Giving to international charities
By using a donor-advised fund (DAF) account with DAFgiving360™, you can extend your generosity beyond the United States and make a difference almost anywhere in the world.
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Whether you want to support a well-known U.S. charity working abroad or a specific international charity, our specialist in international granting can guide you. We will help you determine the most effective way to meet your charitable goals and will facilitate next steps.

Grant recommendations to U.S. 501(c)(3) organizations that support charities abroad are quickly processed by our grants team.
We screen foreign charities to ensure that donations don’t go to organizations that are subject to U.S. or U.N. sanctions or are included on terrorist, trade control, or fraud lists.
Further review and evaluation will determine if the organization satisfies IRS guidelines for international grantmaking and tax deductibility:
- Does the organization meet the same requirements as a domestic 501(c)(3) public charity under U.S. tax law?
- Can the organization demonstrate the capacity to carry out the purposes of the donation?
The requirements for each international donation may be simple or complex. Our International Granting Specialists can help you consider the details (such as the location of a non-U.S. organization, the purpose of a donation, and the duration of granting activities) to help determine the most efficient way to give.

In every region of the world, DAFgiving360 works with intermediaries¹ that can provide special pricing for DAFgiving360 donors. These intermediaries employ local staff who can directly ensure that your gifts are disbursed as you intend and who can monitor projects firsthand for their impact.
DAFgiving360 donors have three effective ways to give to causes, regions, and crises throughout the world:
1. Give to U.S.-based charities doing international work.
1. Give to U.S.-based charities doing international work.
Recommend grants to international causes through established U.S.-based charities that perform work overseas.

2. Give through intermediaries¹ that facilitate direct grants to international charities.
2. Give through intermediaries¹ that facilitate direct grants to international charities.
Recommend grants through the DAFgiving360 network of vetted international intermediaries that are local to their areas of expertise and can perform a review of selected charitable organizations and projects.

3. Give directly to qualifying foreign charities.
3. Give directly to qualifying foreign charities.
Recommend grants directly to foreign charities through our Direct Global Giving Program