Our mission is to be the trusted advisor for our clients for all things financial. We want to be the first phone call or e-mail for anything that has financial significance. The types of clients that we work with charitable giving is often one of their biggest passions. In most cases it makes more sense for clients to set up a donor-advised fund and many clients have no clue that these vehicles even exist, but Schwab Charitable has put a lot of distance between themselves and the pack. The majority of our clients work with Charles Schwab and find working with Schwab Charitable to be completely seamless. It's just a very natural conversation to have as to a tool that makes their giving very tax smart value maximizing and administratively simple so it's a very important tool for us to have. So, one of the big appeals of a donor-advised fund is the fact that you can make the contributions at a timing that works maybe tax wise for the client. We often have clients that will fund maybe five or even as many as ten years of their gifting up front then we'll manage the donor-advised fund account at Schwab charitable just like any other account an IRA or retirement account. So we'll manage the assets that they will hopefully and potentially grow overtime. We like to think about it and get clients to think about this is their charitable giving bucket and their charitable gifting currency if you will. For clients it gives them Peace of Mind that they have satisfied the ability to make these charitable gifts and it's also quite nice to see that the account can increase in value which increases the amount of giving that they can do. Schwab Charitable is definitely making the world a better place when you see the amount of resources that are going out and trying to solve big world problems it's really quite inspiring.