How to help Ukraine
On February 24 Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered Russian troops to begin an invasion into the Eastern European nation of Ukraine. This invasion and military conflict have left millions in the conflict areas displaced and in need of aid. This crisis response is aimed particularly at the humanitarian crisis arising out of this conflict.
CDP Recommendations
The organizations below have been recommended by the Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP) to help those impacted.
Ukraine - Organizations
EIN: 37-1710848
AmeriCares Foundation
EIN: 06-1008595
Association for International Migration
EIN: 52-1525929
Association of Volunteers in International Service USA Inc.
EIN: 13-4147973
CARE, Inc.
EIN: 13-1685039
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
EIN: 13-5563422
Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP)
Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Response Fund
EIN: 45-5257937
CORE (Community Organized Relief Effort)
EIN: 27-1703237
Direct Relief
EIN: 95-1831116
GlobalGiving Foundation
Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund
EIN: 30-0108263
EIN: 54-1282616
Handicap International DBA Humanity and Inclusion
EIN: 55-0914744
HelpAge USA Inc.
EIN: 27-1071179
EIN: 13-5633307
International Medical Corps
EIN: 95-3949646
International Rescue Committee
EIN: 13-5660870
EIN: 94-3027961
King Baudouin Foundation United States
EIN: 58-2277856
Lutheran World Relief
Corus International Fund
EIN: 13-2574963
Malteser International Americas
Order of Malta Worldwide Relief
EIN: 26-3701623
Matthew 25: Ministries
EIN: 31-1348100
Mercy Corps
EIN: 91-1148123
Oxfam America
EIN: 23-7069110
Project Hope
EIN: 53-0242962
U.S. Fund for UNICEF
EIN: 13-1760110
Fund: United Nations Children's Fund
EIN: 52-1662800
Water Missions International
EIN: 27-3521132
World Central Kitchen
EIN: 27-3521132
Please note that some organizations are no longer accepting grants for the crisis in Ukraine due to overwhelming support. Any grants with special purposes for this cause may be redirected to more general funds with the selected charity.
When logging in to your account to recommend a grant to one of these organizations, you can quickly identify the correct organization by entering the charity’s EIN (Tax ID Number) into the "Search for Your Charity" field.